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Reilly's Carpet Cleaning is owned & operated by Brandon & Katie Reilly

The Reilly's
Quality Work
Carpet Cleaning
Tile & Grout
Oriental Rug
The Reilly's
Carpet Cleaning
Tile Cleaning
Oriental Rug Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning

It's not REALLY clean until it's REILLY CLEANED!

Quality is our #1 Priority..
Is it yours?

Welcome to Reilly's Carpet Cleaning

UPDATE: After more than 6 Months of figuring out our next step, we've decided it's in our best interest to sell the business.

This decision was not taken lightly. I have over 15 years in this industry, but after everything that happened last year between break downs & an injury to my right elbow; it's just doesn't make financial sense to invest another $50K+ into a business that I can't physically do anymore.

Katie & I also thought about starting a commercial division, but honestly the cost of doing business in New York is to high and in order to keep the level of workmanship that I expect, we would have had to increase our prices my about 3x. That's not an exageration. Not 150%, not 200%, I really mean 300%. Which leads to another reason I'm moving on.

Last year I spent too much time on jobs & ended up paying to clean more than a few carpets. People would always say what a good job I did, but in doing so & not charging acordingly, I pretty much put my self out of business. There's nothing worse than doing a job where the harder you work, the less you make. Our running cost are about $45/hr, so think about the last time I may have cleaned your carpets and how much I charged vs the time I was on the job. Multiple time by $45, take that number and subtract from what I charged. You'll probably come up with somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.67/hr. Cause that's what I averaged last year. Well, it will be a little more since that figure is my take after taxes.

I would like to thank all our customers we've served throughout the years. We currently have the business for sale and any you can send inquieries to or

Thanks again for your business,
-Brandon & Katie Reilly

Taking the dive into Web & App development.

Katie and Brandon in office. Hash Tag The A Team Web site Design DevOps Javacript Stack Development FullStack

To See what me & Katie have been upto, check out our website that showcases some of the projects we've been working on over the past 8 months.

Katie has picked up web development so quick over the past year. I've been in and out of IT for 22+ years, but I've decided to take the plunge & explore a carreer in the field which is something I've always wanted todo.

With Katie helping and already surpassing me in some front end design methods, I gota say I have no regrets in closing the business. We make a great team and I'm excited to be going into phase 2 of our careers working together on these projects with her.

-Brandon Reilly 4/4/2018